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CDL Database Transitions

a. A Final Farewell: CDL-Hosted Journal Article Databases

This is the last time the CDL will remind staff that the CDL-hosted abstracting and indexing journal article databases will be retired at the end of the year, since this is the last issue of CDLINFO in 2002.

After December, in the telnet version of Melvyl, if a user types in the name of a database (e.g., ABI), a message will appear that says “The ABI database is no longer available.  Type HELP for more information.”  The user will then find fuller information about the database, and how to access it in the new version.  In the Web version, the page will remain visually unchanged.  The only difference after the beginning of January is that when UC users select a database from the “UC-licensed databases” pulldown menu, they will be connected directly to the new vendor version of the database selected rather than to the interim screen (as is currently the case).

Thanks to all those over the years who participated in the original envisioning, building, maintaining, and documenting of the original databases, and those involved in the testing, selecting, documenting and helping to improve the new vendor versions.

b. Wilson Databases Running in Parallel

The current and new versions of three Wilson Databases licensed by the CDL (Art Abstracts, Art Retrospective, and Readers’ Guide Retrospective) are now running in parallel versions. Users can select either version when the database is selected.  The CDL will move to the new version once SFX (UC-eLinks) testing is complete.

c. Latest Version of El Mel Tells

The November issue of El Mel Tells is available at []

This issue contains articles on the union catalog record in Melvyl-T, using Browse, and a continuation of CDL Staff Profiles involved in the creation of Melvyl-T. To see all issues of this publication, go to []