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Take Our Survey! Give us Feedback – Deadline Extended

In September 2003, the CDL launched two new web sites: the CDL “brochure” site, intended to provide general information about the CDL to a broad public audience, and “Inside CDL,” intended to provide UC library staff and other CDL partners with the supporting documentation required to accomplish their collaborative work with the CDL.

Four months have passed since the launch of the two sites, and the CDL now invites and encourages you, our partners, to spend a few minutes exploring the sites and provide us with additional feedback on how well the new sites are meeting your information needs.  The URLs for the sites are:

CDL brochure site:
Inside CDL:

The brief survey is available at:


The last day to take the survey is Friday, January 16.  Thank you in advance for taking a few moments to provide us with feedback.