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2005 Annual Usage Statistics Report Available

Selective Tier One and Tier Two journal and database usage statistics for calendar year 2005 are now available on the Inside CDL website at There are two reports included: Ejournal articles viewed by campus and Database searches by campus. CDL staff are still collecting missing usage data for some resources. The reports are expected to be complete by early April 2007. The EJournal articles viewed spreadsheet shows the number of successful full-text article requests by resource name on both UC systemwide and campus levels for calendar year 2005, and 2004-2005 comparison data on UC total number of article request statistics by resource name. The Database searches spreadsheet shows total searches by database on both UC systemwide and campus levels for calendar year 2005, and 2004-2005 comparison data on UC total number of search statistics by database. Anomalies in the data are described in notes that accompany the reports. Staff continue to work with publishers and database providers to make the usage statistics reports more accurate and standardized. For example, at present, not all publishers break down their usage statistics by campus nor do they provide COUNTER-compliant reports.

CDL staff are also working with a commercial vendor, ScholarlyStats, to create usage statistics reports for calendar years 2006 and 2007. ScholarlyStats is a new service licensed by CDL that offers a single point of access to standardized usage statistics reports from many of the largest and most important publishers and database providers. CDL expects to release 2006 annual usage statistics reports and 2007 monthly reports in early April 2007.

For questions and more information please contact Chan Li, CDL Data Analyst.