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Findings and Recommendations from the CDL Spring 2006 Assessment Project

By Felicia Poe (, CDL Assessment, Design & Production Manager

A full report of the findings and recommendations from the CDL Spring 2006 assessment project, entitled “Communication and Collaboration: Priorities and Perspectives on the UC Libraries-CDL Partnership” has been released and is available at:


In early 2006, the CDL embarked upon a series of interviews across the ten UC campuses. The purpose of the interviews was to gather information that would provide CDL with insight into issues vital to the campus libraries, including:

1) Campus priorities in regard to current and future digital information tools and services.

2) Campus perspectives on existing digital information tools and services (their strengths, weaknesses and areas ripe for improvement or innovation).

3) Campus capacity for digital information tool and service development, whether independently or in collaboration with CDL or others.

Interviews were launched by the CDL assessment team in April 2006 and typically included a campus AUL, a collection development or special collections librarian, and persons involved with building digital services and tools. In total, 51 individuals across all ten UC campuses were interviewed, via in-person visits to seven campuses and teleconferences with three campuses.

Questions about the project and report should be directed to Felicia Poe (