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Take part in the CDL website redesign! Share your thoughts through our short survey!

By Jane Lee, CDL Assessment Analyst

How are you using CDL’s website? Does CDL’s website help you do your work?
What can the website do better?  We want to know!

Five years ago, CDL launched two sites, InsideCDL and the CDL “brochure” site (, to meet the needs of UC librarians and library staff, as well as the general public. It is now time to revisit CDL’s web presence and find out what has and has not been working for you, our partners.

Your participation in this brief survey will help the CDL determine how to improve its website to meet your information needs. The last day to take the survey is Friday, August 15, 2008.

Survey: []

Thank you in advance for taking the time to share your thoughts with us!