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PsycINFO Records Missing Publication Dates

By Teal Smith, User Communication and Instruction Librarian, UC Merced and Resource Liaison, PsycINFO

Teal Smith (UCM), the Resource Liaison for PsycINFO (on the ProQuest/CSA Illumina platform), has notified CDL that some PsycINFO records are missing journal issue publication dates.   This problem is expected to be resolved by the end of March.

From ProQuest technical support: “reported records have been corrected.  All records going forward will contain the year date, and the remaining records will be corrected in the yearly reload which is fast approaching [March].”

The problem seems to be fairly widespread. Below is a screenshot of some examples.  Teal reports, “I did a sample search for ‘china’ and ranked by relevancy (ranking defaults to the most recent, but the problem was fixed for recent records).  On the first page, 12 of 25 records were missing the date.”

Dates missing in some records