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WorldCat Local Knowledgebase for Melvyl? Not quite yet.

In fall 2012, members of the CDL WorldCat Local Operations Team completed a preliminary investigation of the WorldCat Local Knowledgebase (WCL KB). The result of the analysis was a decision not to implement the WCL KB at this time.  The Melvyl Advisory Group endorsed this decision in December 2012.

What is the WCL KB?

The WCL KB combines data about the library’s electronic resources and linking features that enable access to the content and help manage the workflows associated with these materials.  Melvyl currently uses the UC-eLinks Knowledgebase for linking.

Why ‘not quite yet’?

The effort for the campuses and CDL to implement and maintain the WCL KB would be substantial, and the features important to the University of California libraries that depend on the WCL KB are still fairly immature or have functioning solutions already in place.

The CDL team is continuing to monitor developments in tools that would make it easier to populate and maintain the WCL KB, and they are observing the experience of peer institutions. Finally, the team will encourage vendors to work together to facilitate data sharing between systems such as Ex Libris’ SFX and Serials Solutions.

Read the full report on the CDL website: