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Shared Cataloging Program (SCP) Monthly Update: March 2014

All the DDA pilots seem to be going strong. SCP is currently distributing records for four DDA pilots with records distributed for 1243 titles from YBP/Ebrary, 46 titles from CRC Press ENGnetBASE, 713 titles from Airiti, and 1540 titles from the newest pilot, the EBSCO Japanese language pilot. Regarding the CRC Press ENGnetBASE DDA, this was renewed for 2014 but includes titles published in the fourth quarter of 2013. SCP will therefore need to do some clean-up of previously distributed records, updating both the title hook and list of participating campuses.

Our major journal record distributions for February were for Open Access (267 titles), EBSCO Academic Search Complete (230 titles), SAGE (85 titles), JSTOR (45 titles), and DragonSource (43 titles). Additionally, we replaced 96 brief Dacheng records with full records. Our major record distributions for monographs were for Springer (488 titles), IEEE (79 titles), and Morgan & Claypool (66 titles).

Until next month …

By Adolfo Tarango, Head, Systemwide Collection Services