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UC3 Dash Service Update: March 2014

Welcome to the first Service Update for UC3 Dash!

UC3 Dash is a systemwide service that will allow UC campuses to provide an easy‐to‐use solution for the
effective curation of and access to campus research data. Dash is a centralized UC3‐hosted service, with campuses having full control over the service’s branding, including the campus domain name in public URLs and UI look-and-feel.

How is Dash related to UCSF’s DataShare? UC3 worked collaboratively with UCSF’s CTSI & UCSF’s Library
to build and launch UCSF’s ( UC3 is using the UCSF DataShare codebase for UC3 Dash. Regarding the name, since there is already an instance of DataShare in the UK, we decided to change the project/tool name to “Dash” (i.e., DAtaSHare).

Recent Enhancements, News, and Activities

  • We are currently working with UC Berkeley and UCLA to set up first instances of a CDL-hosted Dash. They are Guinea pigs of sorts, and once we have worked out the process with them, we will begin working with other campuses that have expressed interest. As we progress in working with UCLA and UCB we will keep all interested parties up to date on lessons learned and best approaches.
  • The technical implementation document is available here:
  • For background information, slides from a Feb 2014 webinar are available here. Slides:
  • Visit the wiki site to stay informed:

Dash Service Description

Dash is a new, easy‐to‐use solution for the effective curation of and access to campus research data.

Dash Service Manager

Please contact us with any questions or general correspondence.