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Shared Cataloging Program (SCP) Monthly Update: August 2017

SCP has posted the distribution statistics report for the month of July [xlsx]. This monthly report shows net increase or decrease of titles from CDL licensed and selected open access collections. Here are the highlights of our major record distributions. For our major serial record distributions are the Open Access journals. There was a big shift, including a decrease of 1,477 titles that no longer housed in DOAJ, and a subsequent big increase of 1790 titles of “plain” Open Access journals. Three hundred were new OA titles; the remainder were “former” DOAJ titles that for one reason or another had been removed from the DOAJ database. When titles in DOAJ change, the earlier title is removed. SCP closes off the holdings and keeps the title as a “plain” OA. Also included in the Open Access journals this month were ScienceDirect online journals (19 titles), PubMed Central online journals (9 titles), etc.

For monographs, the major record distributions were: ACM Digital Library online conference proceedings (54 titles), Cambridge online monographs (449 titles), CRC Press. CRCnetBASE online monographs (165 titles), EBSCO Japanese DDA pilot online monographs (57 titles), Elsevier monographs (308 titles), IEEE Xplore online conference proceedings (208 titles), JSTOR online monographs (134 titles, which include: CDL DDA pilot, 128 titles), Open Access monographs (400 titles which include: JSTOR online monographs 382 titles), Safari tech books online monographs (38 titles), SpringerLink monographs (703 titles which include titles in 19 subject areas: Biomedical and life sciences monographs 52 titles, Computer science 104 titles, Earth and environmental science 51 titles, Engineering 88 titles, and Medicine 75 titles), Wiley online monographs (89 titles), Airiti CDL DDA online monographs (396 titles), CNPeReading CDL DDA online monographs (89 titles), and Superstar Chinamaxx online monographs phase 1 (39 titles). There was a net decrease of 98 titles in Knovel Library online monographs during the month of July due to the fact that Knovel removed a group of Taylor and Francis titles from their collections.

For DDA programs with number changed as of today: EBSCO Japanese DDA (2,702 discovery records + 198 purchased titles), JSTOR CDL DDA pilot (991 discovery records + 66 purchased titles), Airiti DDA (2,286 discovery records + 337 purchased titles), CNPeReading CDL DDA online monographs (2,119 discovery records). For DDA programs with no change from last month: CRC Press ENGnetBASE online monographs 925 discovery records (DDA 2014 package (292 titles), 2015 package (352 titles), 2016 package (281 titles)) + 168 purchased titles (2013 (104 titles) & 2014 (64 titles)).

Notes on MeSH URIs in $0: Records are now starting to be exported from OCLC with MeSH URIs; these records are in this week’s file. See OCLC# 809741 for an example. After discussing with UCSD colleagues, SCP would like to accept the MeSH URIs as is in the records the same way UCSD does. We recommend each campus makes sure the code 6XX_2 $0 is valid, and is set to not display in your local OPAC. Please contact Shi Deng ( if you have any questions and concerns.

Examples of MeSH URIs in $0

650 2Education of Intellectually Disabled. ǂ0

650 2Intellectual Disability. ǂ0

Useful links: SCP Cataloging Priorities | SCP Updates & Statistics | CDL E-Resources Tracking |
Request for New Cataloging Projects | Request Cataloging for Individual OA Journal Titles