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Author: Steve Toub

UC-eLinks Assessment Report Available

CDL recently conducted an assessment concerning existing and potential service options for the UC-eLinks service menu.

Zotero now works with Melvyl; LibX browser toolbar updated

Zotero, an innovative citation manager that works in tandem with the Firefox web browser, now imports search results from Melvyl; additionally, the UC Libraries Edition of the LibX browser toolbar has been updated.

Metasearch pilot at UCLA ready for assessment

CDL and UCLA have completed development on a pilot federated search application that helps scholars conduct research on the topic of "Women in U.S. Social Movements".

Melvyl Accessibility Testing

As part of our quality assurance process in the upgrade of Melvyl from ALEPH v.15 to ALEPH v.16, CDL requested the UCLA's Disabilities and Computing Program to provide an accessibility audit of the Melvyl site. Many aspects of the Request site were also included in the review. The final report is now available.