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Tag: project management

A line from here to there

What is the most direct route to from start to finish? This morning I walked to BART behind a guy who veered right and left on the sidewalk as he almost ran to the station. It was 7 am, and […]

The Project Post-Mortem: A Valuable Tool for Continuous Improvement

Now that your team has finally delivered its project, there is one more important step before the team disbands: the project post-mortem. The name might sound forbidding (some people prefer to call it a “project retrospective”), but it really just […]

Launch Your Project With A Brief Energizing Goal

Have you ever worked on a project team and found you weren’t really sure what the goal of the project was? Leslie and I recently attended a University of California Extension project management class. The instructor, Cheryl Allen, shared an […]

Leaping over tall buildings

Can a project manager be a hero? Should she or he be one? These questions came up at a meeting here. Some felt that bringing certain projects to successful conclusion was, indeed, heroic. They thought it took special determination, that […]

Repeating patterns

Using patterns as the basis for creativity is common in the world of design.  It seemed counter-intuitive to me until I read Designing Social Interfaces, a book that calls itself “a family of social web design principles and interaction patterns.” […]

More Visuals: Picture Your Strategic Plan

Your team has a strategic plan. Now how do you make sure it’s front of mind (and easy to comprehend) for the people implementing it? Creating a one-page infographic chart of your plan is one solution. In this third installment […]

Just one more thing…

I suspect that we don’t often link projects and perfection in our minds. Projects–even well-run projects–are human affairs with ups and downs, ins and outs. The art of project management is learning how to keep the project on track even […]

The heart of a sprinter

Your project timeline has just been cut, significantly. Let’s say it’s for a reason you understand. Does any part of you get excited? If so, you are one lucky project manager, because it means you have the heart of a […]

Update on the DataCite Metadata Working Group

It’s about time for a check-in on my experiences with the DataCite Metadata Working Group. I introduced this intrepid band a couple of months ago when we met face-to-face in Hannover, Germany. Since then, of course, we’ve dispersed to our […]

Bug tracking

I’m managing a project that recently launched an early limited release, and one of our next tasks was to select a bug tracking tool. It would help us manage tasks going forward. We had some choices because my organization doesn’t […]