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Month: March 1998

Current CDL Initiatives

In its efforts to build a core team, expand electronic collections, and facilitate access to resources for the UC community, the CDL is engaged in the following activities: a. Recruiting and hiring staff to complete the core team As the […]

John Ober Joins the California Digital Library as the Assistant Director, Education and Communications

On May 11, 1998, John Ober will assume the post of Assistant Director, Education and Communications, California Digital Library.  In his new role, John will be responsible for managing CDL communication and education programs.  Working closely with other members of […]

Library Planning and Action Initiative (LPAI) Web Site Moves to California Digital Library

The LPAI web site, which originally was located at UC San Francisco, has moved to the California Digital Library to the following address: [] This site contains links to the latest LPAI news, planning documents and reports, and presentations, as […]

CDL Collection Framework Documents

DRAFT University of California [] 1. Selection and licensing of resources should be carried out observing the same considerations applied in the effective development of other library collections. 2. Principally, these considerations include: – establishing a coherent rationale for the […]

Negotiations Update: Strategies for the CDL

Following the recommendations of the STIC Task Force, the CDL is negotiating for UC access to electronic content from a number of prominent publishers of scientific journals.  Our aim is to obtain either single or multi-year licenses which provide: Electronic […]

CDL Collection Development

As a “co-library” with the nine campus libraries, the CDL has responsibility for developing a statewide digital collection to serve the University’s common and specialized information needs.  The CDL will also provide new services and extend existing ones to guide […]

List of Electronic Journal Collections Available via the Melvyl Web System

To facilitate access to the full text of journals from targeted publishers, links have been added to citations in Melvyl abstracting and indexing databases.  Using these links, users can go directly from a citation of interest to the full text […]

The Science, Technology, and Industry Collection (STIC)

Initially, the Science, Technology, and Industry Collection will provide broad coverage of a critical mass of publisher-produced digital information in the health, life, and physical sciences, and engineering.  To develop its charter collection, the CDL hopes to license or acquire […]

Digital Collections of the CDL

The California Digital Library (CDL) is building a shared digital collection to serve the University’s academic information needs.  The CDL collection consists of both material licensed by the CDL and electronic collections licensed by selected campuses.  We conceive of the […]

Organization of the CDL

A core of senior management staff at the Office of the President is responsible for planning and creating the California Digital Library.  Several temporary advisory committees and working task forces have also been created to ensure critical connections to the […]