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CDL Database Transitions

a. Reminder – Access to OCLC Database Changing

WorldCat (WCAT), PapersFirst (PAPR) and ProceedingsFirst (PROC) will be available ONLY in OCLC’s web interface (native mode) and no longer available via Z39.50 in the CDL-hosted databases interface.  This change is earlier than originally scheduled, due to significant changes made by OCLC, which are explained more fully in an earlier edition of CDLINFO <>.

OCLC databases that will change on December 13, 2001 are:
WorldCat (WCAT) (web and telnet)
PapersFirst (PAPR) (telnet)
ProceedingsFirst (PROC) (telnet)

b. Reminder – MEDLINE/HealthSTAR Retiring – PubMed is Enhanced

The UC-tailored version of PubMed is now the major version of UC’s access to the information previously provided in the CDL-hosted version of MEDLINE.

Updated URL 2011

CDL-hosted MEDLINE/HealthSTAR will be discontinued December 21, 2001 due to major changes in the database structure and the additional services offered by the National Library of Medicine’s PubMed.  Unique additional features available in PubMed include:

  • Links to databases of proteins, genomes, structures and nucleotides.
  • Access to preMEDLINE (most recent) citations.
  • Ability to search all dates covered by MEDLINE without needing to select a date range.
  • Sophisticated search algorithms that direct users to “related articles.”
  • Mapping from UMLS and implied phrase searching.
  • Filters to facilitate clinical queries.
  • Addition of material in other formats (e.g. books) and from other branches of the life sciences.
  • Direct links to other NLM sources of medical information such as Clinical Trials, Clinical Alerts, and Medlineplus.
  • Links to PubMed Central publications.

Additionally, the CDL is working on these enhancements for the UC-version of PubMed:

  • Links to UC print holdings
  • Links to CDL Request
  • Links to UC electronic holdings
  • Automated features of CDL Update (PubMed supports saving searches, but it requires users to store searches in their “Cubby” and update searches by accessing the cubby)

Access to PubMed:

1. Go to the More databases menu on the CDL-hosted Databases page [] and select PubMed, follow the directions.

2. Go to the CDL Collections and Services page, go to Other Databases (the second pull-down menu) and select PubMed, press “go”, then follow the directions.

More information about this, and other journal database transitions, is available: []

c. TSC Recommendation

The Transition Steering Committee (TSC) recommended at its meeting on December 3 that the new versions of the transitioning A & I databases not be publicly released until links for holdings, full text and Request are in place, reasonably complete, and running smoothly.  There may still be a transitional period during which we will be working on refinements (similar to the follow up activities that we undertook for the linking services in the CDL-hosted databases).  This recommendation will most immediately have an impact on the release of OVID (BIOSIS, Current Contents, Ei Compendex, INSPEC, and MLA) and CSA databases (PAIS, PsycINFO).

Assuming that Request can be activated for the Ovid databases in the near future, and issues relating to campus library profiles for CSA are resolved, all databases (except BIOSIS) should be ready in January. (When SFX via CSA is in place, it will override campus links to full text with CDL-licensed titles; TSC will investigate how much impact this will have.)

Among the OVID databases, priority will be given to MLA, even though its links are problematic due to the quality of the data in MLA’s database.  MLA via SilverPlatter will be retired on February 28, 2002.

BIOSIS’ release will be delayed because Ovid is planning a reload of the data in early 2002.  Resource Liaison Beth Weil will evaluate its readiness once the reload can be tested.

Exact dates of public versions of the databases will be reported in CDLINFO and via the Detailed Status of the Journal Article Databases Transition chart: [].

d. Updated Library Staff Briefing Sheet

Updated information about the CDL Database Transitions is now available from the CDL Libstaff Outreach Materials page at: [].  The document informs staff about changes in access to various CDL-hosted databases.  The information is in rtf format so it can be adapted for use in campus library publications.

The vendors that were selected for each of the databases are listed.  Ovid is the only vendor that is new to the UC/CDL community.