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New Resources Available

a. The Royal Society Journal`s

The Royal Society is the independent scientific academy of the United Kingdom, dedicated to promoting excellence in science.  Its original journal Philosophical Transactions is, at 336 years old, the world’s oldest continuously published academic journal.  It has published the work of Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Michael Faraday, William Herschel and many more celebrated names in science.

Full-text access for all UC campuses to the four Royal Society journals that trace their history back to Philosophical Transactions is now available.  This agreement combined with the backfile access via JSTOR gives comprehensive access to:

Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences Philosophical Transactions: Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences Proceedings: Biological Sciences Proceedings: Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences

For general information and access to the Royal Society journals, select “journals” from the pulldown menu at: <>

b.Iter Italicum (Katalin Radics, UCLA)

The 2002 renewal of Iter: Gateway to the Renaissance includes a new resource, the online version of the Iter Italicum. The database is of primary importance not only for medievalists and Renaissance scholars, but for classicists, ancient historians, and historians of philosophy.  Iter Italicum is the most comprehensive finding list available of previously uncatalogued or incompletely catalogued Renaissance humanistic manuscripts found in libraries and collections all over the world.

The URL is <> where users need to click on “select a database” to get there.

c. ChemnetBase

The CDL has purchased perpetual access to the five titles currently available via ChemnetBase [] and all nine campuses will share the annual access fees.

The CRC Handbook license originally began as a Tier 2 negotiation.  When physical sciences subject selectors recommended the acquisition of ChemnetBase in response to the Joint Steering Committee survey, the vendor contacted the CDL and offered attractive one-time pricing with a relatively low annual access fee.  CDL negotiations succeeding in reducing even further both the purchase price and annual access fees.  Both the science subject selectors and the Joint Steering Committee recommended proceeding with the license.

ChemnetBase includes:

Combined Chemical Dictionary: Contains chemical, structural and bibliographic data on almost 450,000 compounds, including the Dictionary of Natural Products.

The Handbook of Chemistry & Physics: Contains the most frequently used data in science, including the periodic table of the elements, basic constants and units, thermodynamic and spectroscopic data; electric, magnetic, thermal and structural properties of solids, key data from nuclear science, astronomy and geophysics; and up-to-date health and safety information.

Polymers – A Property Database: A new database of physical properties for 1000 polymers, specially prepared to include those of most interest to polymer chemists & technologists.

Dictionary of Commonly Cited Compounds: Contains the 25,000 most commonly cited compounds in the chemical literature.

Properties of Organic Compounds: Contains over 29,000 of the most commonly sought organic compounds, featuring physical data, spectral data, and structures.

d. Chinese Journal Network/Chinese Academic Journals

The CDL has licensed a subset of the China Academic Journals database for all campuses (available at: Note: Users must click either the “IP address access” button above the usename/password boxes or “Login” in order to access the site.

This resource was a high priority for the EADLG (East Asian Digital Library Group); it was purchased on the recommendation of both the EADLG and the Joint Steering Committee on Shared Collection (JSC).

The licensed materials consist of the full text and full images of 1,710 journals Chinese Language journals found in the Literature/History/Philosophy, Economics/Politics/Law, and Education/Social Science sections of the database.  For those of you familiar with the Chinese Journal Network this is “Series Code F-G-H” sections of the China Academic Journals database.  The full database contains 9 series and includes over 3000 journal titles.

In addition to content for the current year, the CDL has purchased the archival file that covers content from 1994-2001.  The database is produced by Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co. (TTOC) at Tsinghua University in Beijing and is distributed, and mirrored, in the U.S. by East View Information Services.

Access is currently available, however, cataloging content will be added as a staged project over the next year.

Technical Note: Due to the Chinese characters this site can only be viewed using IE or Netscape 6.X and in order to view full-text users will have to download a Windows-only application (CAJViewer)–users should be prompted by their browsers to download it when they try to view results.