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CDL Database Transitions

a. Timeline for Notifying Users

CDL staff and TSC members have created a timeline and plan for notifying users and library staff of details for retiring the CDL-hosted journal article databases from now through the end of the year.  The plan has items such as sending password liaisons and proxy administrators reminders that passwords will no longer be valid after December 31, 2002, plans for CDLINFO articles, and for sending out bulk mail messages about the end of Updates.  The plan can be found on the A & I Transition Briefing Kit for Use in Campus Discussions web page under the heading “FAQs and Other Briefing Materials”

b. MLA on SilverPlatter Retiring

The SilverPlatter version of MLA International Bibliography will be retired on August 29, 2002 at which time the Z39.50 CDL hosted and telnet versions of the database also will retire.
As of August 29, the Ovid (native) version will be the sole interface for the MLA IB.  Please share this information with all staff and users who will be affected by this change.

c. CDL Passwords Retiring 12/31/2002

CDL database passwords will no longer function after December 31, 2002 (when all the CDL-hosted A&I databases are retired from CDL’s interface).  In 2003, off-campus access to the article citation databases will be possible only via campus proxy server accounts.

Since passwords with an expiration date of 2002 expired on July 31, 2002, only passwords for 2003 will allow access to the CDL-hosted databases for the remainder of this calendar year.

Users requesting CDL database passwords should be referred to campus proxy server web sites for assistance in obtaining a campus proxy server account.  Information on campus proxy servers is available at

Proxy server administration at campuses should be notified about the impending discontinuation of CDL passwords, as requests for proxy server accounts might escalate during this fall quarter/semester.  Staff at library public service desks and in campus computer labs may also receive additional questions about setting up proxy server accounts.

Currently, the libstaff web page for CDL Password information/procedures ( has been updated with a reminder message about the discontinuation of CDL Passwords, geared towards library staff.  Additionally, the “public” information page for CDL Passwords ( has also been updated with a reminder message, geared towards end-users.

Questions or concerns regarding CDL Passwords as we move into the final stage before the A&I databases are retired should be directed to