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Open Access Ejournal Policy and Request Form

In continuing support of innovations in scholarly publishing, the CDL has developed a written policy for cataloging open access resources ( ) and has implemented an online request form ( ).  For several years the Shared Catalog Program (SCP) has cataloged freely available ejournal content as recommended by the CDL Joint Steering Committee on Shared Collections (JSC).  The journal records are distributed to all the campuses, entered into the CDL Directory and SFX tables (for UC-eLinks), and monitored in the same way as other resources.

Although the resources may be open access, these actions represent considerable investments that are designed to reduce similar kinds of actions that each campus might have to make individually on these resources.  Even though a license will not be signed for these resources and there is no formal negotiation process with a vendor, these open access resources will follow existing procedures for licensed packages.  For each open access journal, the catalogers have inserted the following title added entry: “Open access resource freely available; selected by the UC libraries.”

All UC bibliographers are encouraged to now use this form to recommend cataloging of freely available titles whose scholarly qualities are affirmed by indexing in a major, disciplinary index.  Once resources have been selected, the SCP will catalog them, UC-eLinks will be implemented, where possible, the titles will be added to the CDL Directory and announced via CDLINFO.