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UC Berkeley Law Library Records Now in Melvyl as Part of UCB Collections

The UC Berkeley Law Library records now appear In Melvyl as part of the UC Berkeley Libraries collection (Level 1) for UC Berkeley.  Berkeley Law is an affiliated library on the Berkeley campus.  Records appear as part of the University of California Libraries (Level 2) for all the other campuses.  Previously, they only appeared as part of Libraries Worldwide (Level 3) where they continue to be represented as well.  The addition of these records to UC holdings is a result of the UC Berkeley Law Library’s completion of its OCLC batch loading project to link OCLC numbers to their records, and additional work completed by the CDL and OCLC.

The UC Berkeley Law Library is not a participant in UC’s Request (Interlibrary Loan) service, so items will not be loaned from this collection.

Welcome, Berkeley Law!