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Shared Cataloging Program (SCP) Monthly Update — April 2013

By Adolfo Tarango, Head, Systemwide Collection Services

Some interesting developments and cancellations have kept us on our toes the last few months. Changes involving the CRC Press NETBASES are without a doubt the most complicated of these. As it stands now, the NETBASES can be broken out into six groups. The first is CHEMnetBASE which was renewed without change and as such you should see no difference in how it is being cataloged. The second group is ENGnetBASE which, for 2013, became our first Demand Driven Acquisitions (DDA) package. SCP created a new 793 to track the DDA titles, “CRC Press. ENGnetBASE online monographs DDA 2013.” This is a systemwide DDA pilot and as of this writing, 23 titles have been distributed to all the campuses.

While paid for by a subset of campuses, all the campuses will be getting records for titles in the third group of NETBASES, consisting of ENVIROnetBASE, MATHnetBASE, and STATSnetBASE. Since all the campuses are receiving records, we are not tagging titles with any new 793. Three campuses subscribed to BIOMEDICALSCIENCEnetBASE, group four, so SCP will provide catalog records to Davis, Irvine, and San Diego for these titles. The fifth group consists of those NETBASES which campuses have locally subscribed to. Because less than three campuses are subscribing to these NETBASES, SCP will not be cataloging them; it will be the responsibility of the subscribing campuses to catalog these locally licensed resources.

The sixth group of NETBASES consists of those from which campuses have chosen to selectively purchase individual titles. As with the locally subscribed NETBASES noted above, it will be the responsibility of the individual campuses to catalog these titles. But a note of caution, many titles from CRC Press are made available in multiple NETBASES. SCP strongly advises campuses put in place a mechanism for checking to see if any of these selected titles are available from already licensed NETBASES. Lastly, be advised that SCP will continue to be responsible for catalog maintenance on any CRC Press titles we originally cataloged regardless of whether the systemwide subscription to the specific NETBASE was cancelled and/or because cataloging of the new content is being done locally.

SCP has been working on providing records for the Nineteenth Century Collection Online. When ready, the records will be distributed to the campuses as a separate file. SCP is also busy with the creation of records for titles in the Chinese language resource Dacheng. For this package, the East Asian Bibliographers Group and the SCP Advisory Committee approved an initial distribution of brief records, to be replaced at a later date with full catalog records. About 7000 journal titles will be distributed with the records containing not much more data than a title, a 793 hook, and an 856 with corresponding URL.

Another Chinese language resource we are working on is the Airiti package. This also happens to be a DDA pilot. A significant departure from past practice will be that Airiti records will be distributed by the vendor directly to the campuses. SCP has worked with the vendor so they can provide usable MARC records. At the point of actual purchase, the corresponding vendor record will be replaced by a fully cataloged OCLC record. Notice to delete the vendor record and distribution of the new record will be accomplished using standard procedures.

SCP and UCI cataloging staff are in the midst of planning a NGTS cataloging pilot whereby UCI catalogers will catalog titles from the Wiley O-book package. SCP will continue to be responsible for distributing the records. We look to develop a seamless workflow process that will result in a faster turnaround time for these titles with minimal intervention on the part of SCP. Because UCI catalogers will follow all relevant SCP cataloging practices and procedures, records should be indistinguishable from previously cataloged SCP records. Campuses should treat them as any other SCP records, and in fact, the records will be included in the regular SCP record files. SCP will be responsible for any subsequent record maintenance so campuses can continue using existing problem reporting procedures if need be.

Cataloging gains for the first quarter of 2013 totaled 774 serials, 4 integrating resources, and 8,357 monographs. Major additions for serials include those for Academic Search Complete (412 titles) and Open Access (356 titles) of which 234 were for DOAJ titles. For monographs, the most significant gains were to Early American Imprints Series I (2249 titles), IEEE conference proceedings (1424 titles), SuperStar (1265 titles), SpringerLink (576 titles), National Academies Press (373 titles), Wiley (314 titles), CalDocs (309 titles), Apabi (144 titles), CRC Press (82 titles), AIP conference proceedings (75 titles), and Knovel (74 titles). We had one new package, the ACS Symposium Series (1091 titles). You may view the complete cataloging counts as of the end of the first quarter for every package cataloged at

Until next month …