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Feedback links removed from WorldCat Local

As of July 23, 2015, OCLC has removed feedback links from the WorldCat Local and user interfaces as part of an OCLC technical infrastructure project.

You should now report Melvyl problems directly to the Melvyl Operations Team at If possible, include a link to the record or search to help us in troubleshooting.

The Melvyl Operations Team, which includes CDL Helpline analysts, handles all feedback about Melvyl. They investigate problem reports and work with OCLC to resolve problems. If you have suggestions for the user interface, the team will pass them along to OCLC.

Feedback will continue to work in WorldCat Discovery beta

In WorldCat Discovery, feedback is the “Tell Us What You Think” link in the bottom right footer. You will still be able to access feedback in WorldCat Discovery for the beta. Note: This feedback does not come to the Melvyl Operations Team. It goes directly to OCLC.


More information and updates will be available on the CDL Melvyl website “Report a Problem” page.