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Shared Cataloging Program (SCP) Monthly Update: March 2016

Our major serial record distributions for February were Open Access (449 titles), which included DOAJ 279 titles, and JSTOR online journals (67 titles).

For monographs, we have added Elsevier monographs (106 titles), IEEE conference proceedings (212 titles), Naxos music records (692 titles), SpringerLink monographs (272 titles), and Apabi monographs (192 titles).  Of special note this month is JapanKnowledge. The 446 records distributed were created collaboratively by colleagues at Yale University, the University of Toronto, Stanford University, and Washington University in St. Louis.

There are now 1,286 titles available from the CRC Press ENGnetBASE online monographs DDA 2014 package (585 titles) and 2015- package (701 titles); 4,016 titles from the EBSCO Japanese DDA, and 3,437 titles from the Airiti DDA. As of this date, we have recorded 336 purchases from the CRC Press ENGnetBASE for year 2013 (208 titles) & 2014 (128 titles), 204 from the EBSCO Japanese, and 396 from Airiti.

A reminder that Adolfo Tarango, head of the SCP Cataloging Unit will leave UC San Diego and the California Digital Library effective April 1, 2016. As a temporary measure his replacement as supervisor will be Shi Deng, currently head of the UC San Diego CJK Cataloging Unit. Any SCP email correspondence sent after should go to Shi Deng ( with a cc to Rebecca Culbertson (