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Call for Cycle 7 Archive Disclosures – Due May 25, 2018

The WEST project team recently sent out a call for WEST Archive Holders and Builders to submit metadata records describing the journal backfiles archived during WEST Cycle 7.

Cycle 7 marks the second year in WEST’s inaugural two-year archiving period. During the last collections analysis, WEST identified enough material to fill two years of archiving work (Cycles 6 and 7). Many Archive Holders (Bronze, no physical validation required) chose to disclose all their commitments during the Cycle 6 disclosure period. For Archive Holders who did not disclose all commitments, or for those who have since made updates to committed holdings, we ask that disclosure records are submitted this year. Archive Builders (Silver and Gold, physical validation required) are expected to disclose the second half of their commitments or updated disclosure records depending on how each Builder chose to divide archive creation work between Cycles 6 and 7.

The WEST Disclosure Policy, which is available for download from the WEST Website, includes a commitment for Archive Holders and Builders to provide metadata records to the California Digital Library (CDL) for ingest into the AGUA analysis tool and propagation to the CRL Print Archive Preservation Registry (PAPR). The PAPR system is a public registry of the titles archived by major print archiving and shared print programs. Archive Holders and Builders also provide disclosure records directly to OCLC to disclose WEST holdings in WorldCat.

Disclosure of WEST archived materials is intended to support three primary goals:

  1. Discovery and display of WEST materials for use by library staff and by library users as appropriate
  2. Resource-sharing among WEST members as defined in the WEST Access Guidelines
  3. Collection analysis to support local and system-level collection management decisions and development of additional WEST print archives

WEST asks that Archive Holders and Builders provide these records to CDL by May 25, 2018. (Please provide records to OCLC separately on a schedule convenient for your library; it is strongly recommended that this is done around the same time.)

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact a member of the WEST Project Team.