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ASM Handbooks Online transitions to a new platform

ASM International has rolled out a new Silverchair platform for ASM Handbooks Online. Six campuses (Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles, Merced and San Diego) participate in the ASM Handbooks license.
B, D, I, LA, M, and SD; on the ASM Handbooks Online platform

The PID has been redirected to point to the new platform. For a limited time, a link to the previous version of ASM Handbooks Online is available on the new version’s home page.

Campus proxy administrators have been notified to add the new URL ( to proxy config files, where necessary.

Title-level links in catalog records resolve to the new ASM Handbooks Online platform and also to the Knovel platform.

The new platform for all ASM Handbooks digital content includes several interface enhancements:

  • Abstracts and keywords for all volumes
  • Sort by volume and explore subjects
  • PDF access option
  • Enlarge or download figures
  • Author linking
  • Quicker content updates

These updates will provide a much improved user experience, significantly upgraded ease of use, and better access to ASM Handbooks Online.

Anna Sackmann (, UCB, is the Resource Liaison for all ASM resources.