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Access discontinued to OCLC’s CAMIO database

Per information from OCLC email…

OCLC discontinued access to the CAMIO (Catalog of Art Museum Images Online) database for WorldCat Local and FirstSearch/WorldCat Discovery subscribers on 31 December 2018. The expansion of online access to this type of content in recent years has increased researchers’ access to images in art museums, replacing the need for a discrete database such as CAMIO.

When CAMIO access ended, metadata for materials in CAMIO were removed from the WorldCat database and are no longer be searchable via the OCLC services, WorldCat Discovery, or WorldCat Local. However, some images may continue to be discoverable in WorldCat if their metadata has been added to the database via CONTENTdm or the WorldCat Digital Collection Gateway. Your WorldCat Local or FirstSearch/WorldCat Discovery subscription supports searching of WorldCat on FirstSearch and WorldCat Discovery by your library staff and users.

SCP has created a delete record which will be distributed to campuses on Monday, April 15, 2019. The associated PID has also been deleted.  Please remember to remove this database from the list of Databases A-Z on your library website.