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New Resource: Maruzen eBook Library Demand-Driven Acquisition (DDA)

This is a Demand-Driven Acquisition (DDA) program for Japanese ebooks with Maruzen eBook Library. Nine UC campuses, excluding UCSF, are sharing the costs so that access is available for all 10 campuses and UCOP.           (All campuses; on the Maruzen eBook Library platform)

Details of the Maruzen eBook Library DDA
For this DDA program, the following ebooks are to be initially available:

  1. 3,145 ebooks newly selected for the DDA;
  2. 225 ebooks previously purchased from EBSCO and for which the publishers have approved free online access via the Maruzen eBook Library; and
  3. 90 ebooks previously purchased by UCSD from Maruzen.

New ebooks will be added to the DDA pool every 6 months.
An ebook purchase is triggered when any user of a participating UC campus reviews an ebook pre-selected for the DDA for 10 minutes or longer, or prints/downloads any part.   The cost of the ebook is shared by the participating campuses.

Sample titles that have already been purchased


Toshie Marra (, is the contact for this license.