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Directory of CDL-Licensed Content Retiring

Reminder: The Directory of CDL-Licensed Content [] will be retired October 31, 2005.  At that time, please be prepared to remove any links to or mention of the Directory in campus web pages or guides.  Users who have bookmarked the Directory will be redirected to a web page where they will find links to campus article database and e-journal lists.

Users who have signed up for Directory Updates via CDLALERT, informing them of changes reflected in the Directory, will continue to receive these CDLALERT updates.  Instead of appearing weekly, however, the updates will arrive monthly.  Users will be directed to a web page where they can see additions, updates, and deletions.  The information on this page is drawn from the SFX KnowledgeBase update process and changes made by the CDL and your campus UC-eLinks Liaisons in the preceding month.


Information in the Directory of CDL-Licensed Content is currently being replicated in several places: in campus lists of electronic resources; in the Melvyl Catalog; and in local campus catalogs.  The UC-eLinks (SFX) campus A to Z lists are now available in version 3 at  Version 3 has enhanced functionality that includes, among other things, searching by ISSN, category (or loose subjects), and journal title.

Most campuses no longer rely on the Directory, but on these other sources for verifying information about and accessing licensed content.  Maintaining the Directory is not an automated process; it is updated manually.  New digital packages have many titles, some held by multiple vendors.  There is a great deal of change and churn among the titles, with new titles and dates of coverage being added to and deleted from Directory constantly.  Staff time aimed at this labor-intensive process can be put to better use now that other sources duplicate most of what the Directory accomplishes.

What do you use it for?

An in-depth analysis of the hidden uses of the Directory was completed within the CDL, with remedies addressed for all issues raised.  Consultation with campus library staff has taken place, as well as an investigation of how campus libraries link to the Directory.  A survey of all users of the Directory to uncover other uses not yet addressed was conducted in April and May 2005.

To verify coverage dates for an electronic resource, the UC-eLinks/SFX A to Z list, which is updated on a regular basis by CDL staff, or Melvyl Catalog records, maintained by the UCSD Shared Cataloging Program (SCP) staff, can be used.  The UC-eLinks list can also be used to determine the part of a vendor package a title belongs to, and to link to the journal at the vendor’s site.

And more

The UC Electronic Resources Management System (ERMS) Task Force has recommended Ex Libris’ Verde system for managing electronic collections  UC is still in negotiations with Ex Libris.  Verde will provide another place to find detailed information about e-resources (more information about this decision will be forthcoming).


October 31
Parallel service with UC-eLinks (SFX) A-Z lists began
Patron access to the Directory will be turned off