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Licensing Toolkit

The CDL Licensing Toolkit is designed to assist you with the negotiations and licensing process; it is intended for University of California staff only. If you are working with a publisher who needs information about the licensing process, please refer the publisher to the Information Gateway for Vendors.

Licensing Guidelines

Standard License Agreement

Provides an overview of the preferred terms for all UC licenses. View public version of the agreement.

License Agreement Checklist

Points that must be addressed in a CDL or UC license.

Letter of Intent

Once negotiations are agreed upon, use a “Letter of Intent” to provide a written agreement to the vendor to license a product and gain access before the formal contract is signed.

Campus Discounts

Campus discounts offered by vendors currently or in the past.

Tier 2 Process

Tier 2 licenses are initiated by campus library staff. They are multi-campus contracts for e-resources that are negotiated and signed by a sponsoring campus and funded by participating campuses.

Assisted Tier 3 Process

Assisted Tier 3 acquisitions are local campus purchases that are related to Tier 1 licenses signed by CDL. Campuses might be able to make local purchases based on an existing Tier 1 license, rather than signing original contracts. Those local purchases are covered under the same rights and restrictions as the contract terms of the Tier 1 license, and are handled through amendments called Assisted Tier 3.


Cost Share Models

Cost-Sharing Models

Principles underlying the cost sharing model for co-funding electronic resources as endorsed by the Joint Steering Committee on Shared Collections (JSC) and the Collection Development Committee (CDC).

FTE Cost Models

FTE-based cost models for systemwide co-investment.

Standard Shares, 2015

Lists the campus percentage shares based on ARL budget information. Note that the FTE-based cost model is now the preferred model for co-investment.

Standard Shares, 2011

Lists the campus percentage shares in 2011 and earlier.

Carnegie Classifications

CDL uses pricing models based on the Carnegie Classification of Institutes of Higher Education.

UC Enrollment Data

Current UC year-average data for use with pricing models based on full-time equivalent enrollments (FTE).

Technical Guidelines

Technical Guidelines for Vendors

Includes information about major technical issues, CDL’s preferred solutions, and the implications for vendors.