Request Form for SCP Cataloging of a New Collection
The Shared Cataloging Program (SCP) asks that UC bibliographers use the form below to request cataloging of a database or a collection consisting of TEN or more titles.  To request cataloging for OA journals fewer than ten, please use the Request Form for Individual OA Journal Titles (

Note: Requests should be made for cataloging new resources only, excluding single monographic resource. Please contact Shi Deng ( if you have any questions.

After review of the form, the SCP will forward requests with cataloging recommendations to the Joint Steering Committee on Shared Collections (JSC) for approval and prioritization, with input from UC CKGs. Generally speaking, when requests are forwarded to JSC, SCP will indicate whether the resource can be cataloged at the collection level, or, in some cases, at the individual title level. Please note, cataloging at the individual titles for an OA collection may be considered a lower priority level (see SCP standing cataloging priority at Negotiation for additional funding support may be necessary.

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Email *
Cataloging Project
Title of the new project *
URL(s) of the new resource website. Include the URL of title list if available *
Is it sufficient to catalog at database/collection level? *
If cataloging at individual title level is requested, why? (background, rationale, collection scope, user demand, etc.)
Resource format information (Check all that apply) *
Estimate for initial number of resources (Optional)
Is this an ongoing project? If so, how many titles/objects/items added per year? (Please note special ongoing maintenance needs, if any.) *
Is the resource licensed or open access? (Select one) *
Which campuses will have access to these resources? (Check all that apply) *
Additional comments (Please list Alma CZ Collection ID if available)
Contact Information
Your name *
Your UC email address *
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