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SCP Monthly Update — June 2018

SCP has posted the distribution statistics report for the month of May. This monthly report shows net increase or decrease of titles from CDL licensed and selected open access collections. The highlights of our major serial record distributions were Open Access journals (97 titles, includes DOAJ, 76 titles). Another major activity for serials was to a major additions, withdrawal, and embargo changes for journal titles in all the EBSCOhost databases. This resulted so far in adding 64 new titles and the removal of 86 titles.

For monographs, we added two new collections. One is Morgan & Claypool online monographs. Life Sciences Colloquium 4 (25 titles), see CDLINFO announcement for details. The other one is to add open access titles from Wiley online monographs (5 titles). Other major record distributions were: ACM Digital Library online conference proceedings (219 titles), Cambridge online monographs (309 titles), CRC Press. CRCnetBASE online monographs (1,022 titles), Elsevier monographs (74 titles), ICPSR online datasets (137 titles), IEEE Xplore online conference proceedings (109 titles), Institute of Physics online monographs (55 titles), JSTOR online monographs (109 titles), Naxos audio (3,899 titles, includes Jazz 246 titles), Open access resource  selected by the UC Libraries (39 titles, includes Knowledge Unlatched 27 titles), SPIE monographs (69 titles, includes conf. proceedings 48 titles and monographs 21 titles), SpringerLink monographs (632 titles, includes: Biomedical and life sciences 46 titles, Computer science 75 titles, Earth and environmental science 47 titles, Engineering 100 titles, Medicine 62 titles, Social sciences monographs 42 titles, and titles in other subsets), and Wiley online monographs (85 titles).

DDA programs with number changed as of today: CNPeReading CDL DDA online monographs (3,995 discovery records + 34 purchased titles), JSTOR CDL DDA pilot (3,043 discovery records + 478 purchased titles) and EBSCO Japanese DDA 466 purchased titles. DDA Programs with no change: Airiti DDA (2,458 discovery records + 506 purchased titles), CRC Press ENGnetBASE online monographs 406 purchased titles (2013 package (105 titles), 2014 package (64 titles), 2015 package (133 titles), and 2016 package (104 titles)), YBP/Ebrary online monographs via ProQuest 665 purchased titles.

Please note:  Some of the Shared Cataloging Program records you receive may be the result of a batch cataloging process.  They may not meet the standards for full-level records.

Useful links: SCP Cataloging Priorities | SCP Updates & Statistics | CDL E-Resources Tracking |
Request for New Cataloging Projects | Request Cataloging for Individual OA Journal Titles